You make a good point, about it being cultural.
I think that most men WANT to be decent toward women. That has been my experience, spanning 64 years, hearing men talk in locker rooms, in bars, and countless situations when women were not present - men talking among "just us guys".
I can give you an example. When I was in college during the 1970s, I was in a bar with my male friends, and two women walked in. They were not very attractive - not putting them down: just explaining the context. One of us started making comments about their appearance, loud enough that the women might have heard him. All of us were disgusted by what he was saying. I recall looking around, and this asshole found no support. In hindsight I wish I had told him to shut up, but at least I learned that other men, by and large, were not like that - they did not approve.
But you are right that there is a cultural element, and most men need to take notice of that. A better post by Valenti would have said that. Instead, she chooses to indict men as a group. She does that frequently. I think that in this case SHE is the asshole. There are women assholes too.
About not apologizing, I have had plenty of women do really awful things to me - really, really awful - and they did not apologize either.