You have it all wrong. Musk created SpaceX and the only thing he stole from Tesla was the idea. Read Walter Isaacson's book about Musk - Isaacson gives the full history.
But I too am very disappointed with Musk's politics. I think that he supports Trump is simple: Musk's main goal is not money or power: it is to build a city on Mars. And Musk thinks that he can control Trump and Trump will help.
Consider the recent launch number 5 of the Starship system. It was delayed by two months, waiting for FAA approval. Musk feels roadblocked by the government. He wants the path cleared for him, and thins that Trump will do that - and Trump probably will do it if elected.
Yet as important as SpaceX's Mars goals are to me, I cannot stomach supporting a tyrant like Trump, and I am shocked that Musk does.