Yes, Scrum is the ultimate Taylorist production mill, disguised as Agile.
And the standup ("Scrum") does not create a plan: it is a status meeting. They claim it isn't, but it is. And it saps people's energy - tearing them away from their keyboards just as they are trying to think through what they will do: afterwards, they need a coffee break already.
And yes, the PO is a proxy for the customer. Yes - something that the Agile community discourages. The PO is not the actual customer, in most cases. And so the dev team does not actually get to talk to the customer!
And there is this assumption that the PO thinks up a vision like magic - no allowance for any process around that. The dev team is literally the recipient of stories thrown over the wall - just like waterfall. The dev team is an execution engine.
And there is no room for technical innovation, because the only role that the dev team plays in product design is estimation of stories; and there just isn't time to experiment - you have to justify it as a "spike", and good luck with that.
Scrum is an awful process. It is NOT Agile. And it doesn't work well for BDD/ATDD, and does not scale well.