What about the damage to people's focus from the "daily scrum", every single day? I recall finding it extremely disruptive - I needed a coffeebreak afterwards. I was never good at articulating my issues under time pressure. I found it anxiety-producing and unhelpful.
What about the psychological effect of compressing people's ideas for how to improve into a calendared meeting? That has the unintended consequence of making people wait to make suggestions - and people forget, or lose interest.
What about the horribly time-consuming sprint planning. Developers hate that, pretty broadly. By and large, they do _not want_ to participate in that. What developers would like is:
1. A discussion of the most important stories, and have a chance to give feedback on those and make suggestions.
2. A design discussion, where they discuss how it will all work.
The _do not want_ to slog through each story.
I view the Scrum events as anti-patterns - ways to _NOT_ achieve the things they are supposed to achieve.