That's good to know - I did not know that.
I will point out that the trans community talks among itself and has defined an entire vocabulary, and they should not expect people outside their community to know that vocabulary.
I don't think I am in a rabbit hole though. I think that I understand the trans issue well, after having though deeply about it for a decade, and had many discussions about it, and read a great deal about the biological issues. I feel that I am reasonably informed. My opinion is not casual: it is carefully considered.
I feel that if I were a young person today, I would conclude that "I am really a woman". I say that because I have always felt that I am - on the inside - more like women generally are, in so many ways.
But my reproductive biology is male. And that's okay. I feel zero anxiety about it.
The fact that there are some people who feel anxiety about it tells me that there is a compulsion involved. Yes, they might have feminine traits - but the compulsion is what makes them go trans, instead of merely reflecting that "I should have been born a woman" and then getting on with their life as a man, with no pain about it whatsoever.
I feel that people who feel the compulsion to identity apart from their reproductive gender have a disorder that could be treated, to remove the anxiety. That would be a good thing, wouldn't it?
I also feel that if identifying as a different gender (whatever you call it) alleviates their anxiety, they should do that, and others should understand. Trans people should not be persecuted. To do so is unkind - like persecuting someone because they have a limp, or because they have some autism. Trans people are people - they are just trying to get by, like all of us.
Kind regards,