Thank you for this. But the problem is that being "non-binary" has become a social construct - not a biological one. People are deciding their "gender" based on how they feel. By separating "gender" and "biological sex", we have made a huge step backwards: we now categorize ourselves unnecessarily.
Suppose that one is a 16 year old with male biology, but one "feels like they might really be a woman".
Today, the emerging social norm is that they should claim that they are trans, or non-binary, when in fact, they are just themselves. They don't need to claim anything. They can just be a male who kind of relates to what we stereotypically think of as female traits.
Why do we need these labels?
Our biological sex is one thing. How we feel - that is just us. We don't need to label ourselves.
UNLESS - we feel great anxiety about it. People who have gender dysphoria feel great anxiety. That's a psychological disorder - a real one, and a serious one. Today, transitioning to the "other gender" is the only treatment we know. It helps them. That's a good thing.
(And then there is one's sexual preference, which has nothing to do with being trans or non-binary. And sexual preference is also very diverse and labels don't work well for many people.)
But people with gender dysphoria are a tiny minority of the population. There is a trend today that young people are claiming non-binary and all kinds of things when in fact most of them are just confused.