"Scrum prescribes responsibilities on the team level in detail, while not extrapolating to C-Level (on purpose!"
Another excuse for Scrum. Any deficiency is claimed to be "on purpose".
It doesn't tell you anything about how to "be Agile" - on purpose!
It doesn't tell you how you constitute a team - on purpose!
It doesn't tell you how to do behavior-driven development (which doesn't work with Scrum) - on purpose!
It doesn't tell you how to include UX and market facing feedback - on purpose!
"why is autonomy so important? The answer is only with the autonomy to decide how much to do in one Sprint will the Team gain full control of quality."
Under the theory that a single team has an enterprise-wide view of what quality is to the organization as a whole. LOL.
So many Scrum apology articles, so little time...