Religion creates so many idiotic narratives, and the pro-Life narrative is yet another.
I often wonder why someone who plans to have an abortion does not have the child and give it up for adoption. But it is not my choice to make — it is the choice of the person carrying the child.
And one thing I know is that we need to stop celebrating procreation. There are too many people. Religions do us a great disservice by advocating large families. The Earth can barely sustain its 6 billion people — it will not be able to sustain the 12 billion that we are currently headed for by 2100 — or the 9 billion that some claim we will have by then if birth rates slow.
Our excessive population is the root cause of climate change. If we “only” had a billion people, it would not be an issue.
In the days of the Old Testament, there were millions of people. (Ignoring the silly Adam and Eve story here and using real data.) Today there are billions. Religions need an update in their thinking. A big man in the sky is not going to save us from ourselves. Although, there might be another “flood”, in the form of collapse of the global food chain due to ocean acidification and anoxia — caused mostly by industrial agriculture — reducing the population back to where it should be. But we will have caused that ourselves.