"Pair up development team members to complete tasks."
That is great for many (not all) junior developers. It is not a good practice for most senior ones. It is also a matter of personality: some people work better in isolation; others work better in a pair.
"Integrate changes that were coded during the day, one set at a time. Test for 100 percent correctness."
Yes. And one could write several chapters on this (I have). Let me explain:
In the old days of XP, apps were monolithic, so "integrate" meant that all the code was merged into THE (single) repo, and UNIT tests were run.
Today's apps are highly distributed, consisting of many independently deployable components, each with their own code repo. So "integrate" has a different meaning.
Here is an article that talks about this: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/agony-dependency-management-cliff-berg/