"not every one feels anxiety and I'm not to sure how you get to anxiety = compulsion"
A compulsive disorder is when one feels anxiety unless one performs a particular behavior. E.g., people who compulsively wash their hands feel anxiety unless and until they are able to wash their hands, which relieves the anxiety.
I believe that many trans people are driven to claim a gender because they have a compulsive disorder.
There are other people who feel "I should have been born a woman/man" - but feel no anxiety. Why someone such as that would want to go through the pain of claiming a different gender is beyond me. I am in this category: my mind aligns really well with how women usually are. But I am fine being a man; and I am sexually attracted to women, so claiming to be a woman would be very problematic for me: my wife would leave me, for one thing. And what for? Just because I tend to think like many - but not all - women think? And why choose a label? My thinking is my thinking - it is no one's business. I resist putting a male/female label on it.
"go trans" is downright insulting"
You are choosing to take an insult. It was not meant as that. People usually decide at some point to transition: they don't come out of the womb with the decision. I am talking about the decision - the realization if you want to call it that.
"you fail to allow that a trans woman is a woman or a trans man is a man in your expression"
Yes, and that is why some trans people are so upset with J. K. Rowling. Trans people want her to _think_ of them as their chosen gender. They want to _cancel_ her unless she conforms to their demand about how _she_ must think of them. They want to take away her freedom to describe them in her own way - to have her own perception.
The trans activist community want demands that we acknowledge trans women as "women". It is not enough that trans women are seen as equal, with regard to opportunity. They demand that we think of them in a certain way.
Sorry, but to me a trans woman is a trans woman - not a woman. And there is nothing wrong with being a trans woman.
And sorry, but I don't need someone labeling what is in my mind. A label for my biological sex is enough. If you want to add other labels to yourself, you may, but don't insist that others agree to use your label.
We all have a right to think as we choose. We all deserve opportunity, and deserve to be free from discrimination and persecution. That is where the line is. We _don't_ have a right to tell others how to think about something.