I love this.
And particularly this:
" Crews should focus on the entire Value Stream"
One nit: Spotify ditched Scrum pretty early one. They found it too constraining. A team can choose to use Scrum if they want, but it is not the norm.
Also, Spotify does not have a framework that they use. They don't use the "Spotify model". That was just a blog post that someone at Spotify wrote years ago about what some teams were doing at the time.
What makes Spotify successful is the style of leadership that they promote culturally. A colleague of mine who works there describes it as "controlled chaos". The "controlled" part is where leadership comes in: being observant, participative, and generative. They empower people, but leaders are not hands-off.
Process will not make you succeed. Process will not make you agile. Agile arises from behaviors that cut across processes - behaviors that are "normal" and expected. E.g., if a problem arises that affects you and some other area, you are _expected_ to reach out to that other area and get it resolved. That's behavior - not process.