I don’t see any “mad” responses. I see a-lot of responses that try to point out contradictions and logical fallacies in the article. I also see a little indignation, since the author indicts people who are mostly trying to not be racist, and telling them that by trying to not be racist, they are racist. One might as well tell the local soup kitchen that they are contributing to poverty.
Overall, the article is what seems to be “mad” — bitter in fact. The author complains that women of color (what does that even mean today?) often act and sound the same as white girls growing up in suburbia. Well yeah — isn’t that what the world would look like in a post-racial society? And that’s a bad thing? The author complains that ghetto culture — ghetto speak, etc. — is not seen in a positive light. Perhaps we should all embrace the slang and curses of drunken sailors as well. I’ll start using terms like “true dat” and “good to see yo ugly grill today” — and see how far that gets me when I am with “Ivy League” educated people. Sorry but ghetto culture and ghetto speak with all of its misogyny, drug trade and poverty roots is not something to protect or cherish.
It is the author who sounds racist to me, although — like those he criticizes — he means well and does not know he is racist.
That is not to diminish the fact of real racism today. I recently received a response on Medium that made my jaw drop: some horrible monster using terms that I don’t want to repeat, disparaging people of color. I reported him and then blocked him. Real racism is here, among us. Instead of criticizing those who are trying to not be racist, it might be better to embrace them to defeat the people who are racist. Real racism is still here.
Update: Here is an article I just read in Al Jazeera. Racism and fascism are growing. Those who oppose it need to support each other — not tear each other down.