I agree with you Ronke.
It was a woman - Emmy Noether - who solved the central dilemma with General Relativity, so that Einstein could complete it. And by the way, "Neother's First Theorem" is a cornerstone of modern physics (although that fact is not taught in most physics curricula).
Recently, it was two women who discovered the CRISPR-Cas9 method for editing DNA - a breakthrough with immense application.
One of my clients is a major medical research university. Guess what? About half of the most prominent scientists are women. Hmmm - so women are not good at science? Really???
And incidentally, it was a woman, Cohl Furey, who made me aware of the role of division algebras in physics, which caused me to embark on a long journey of mathematics study.
The idea that women are not good at math is simply a lie.
And the same is true for engineering, IME. I have known great women engineers.
BTW, men who put women down are not misogynists - they are simply assholes: they put down anyone who they perceive as vulnerable. And while most men are not like that, those who are are nasty do a lot of harm. Men as a whole need to stand up for women and collectively say "we stand with you" so that the assholes know that they are in the minority.
And even if it _were_ true that women as a group tend to not like math (I don't think it would be true if the cultural influences were not present), everyone is an individual, and we should never make assumptions about individuals.