I agree completely about the problem.
I don't agree with the solution.
The whole standup model is wrong. It rests on the flawed assumption that everyone on a team needs or wants to know what everyone else's tasks are. They don't. As a developer, I know.
What I want to know as a developer is what tasks are underway that impact mine. I also want to know how everything fits together. I do NOT want to know everyone else's tasks.
I find standups extremely disruptive. The suggestion that they be first thing in the morning is also terrible, because first thing in the morning I don't have my thoughts together: I have no idea what I will be doing that day.
Another flawed assumption of standups is that impediments are identified. Really?! So if I have an impediment, I am supposed to wait until tomorrow's standup to get it addressed? No: impediments should be raised as they occur - not in a standup.
Getting a whole team together is expensive - in terms of the disruption to their focus. Only do it when it really adds A-LOT of value. Don't make it a daily thing. Be smart about it. Weekly perhaps - not daily. And talk about substantive things - not merely what people's tasks are. Talk about how things work end-to-end. That's what programmers want to know.