Hi Taylor. I was a nuclear engineer for exactly one year, from 1979-1980. I had graduated from Cornell with a masters degree in nuclear engineering. My first job was with American Electric Power (AEP) in NYC. They had 100 power plants, and two of those were nuclear. I visited the plants and spent a week working there, in order to obtain field experience. But most of my job was in NY, doing analysis of the fuel performance of the reactors. I also got a chance to tour Exxon Nuclear's manufacturing facilities in Washington State, and was involved in negotiations with them (as an observer, since I was inexperienced). It was an eye opener, because we saw some evidence that indicated (not proved) that commercial fuel sources were being mixed with defense sources, which was disallowed.
AEP was well run, but during that year I had second thoughts about the industry in general, and decided to get out of the field. I went back to school and got a different degree.
Yes, nuclear energy is a broad topic, just as is any broad industry category. You are right, there is a wide array of niches.