Great advice.
And the inescapable conclusion is that a complex issue cannot be addressed in a meeting: one page is not enough.
A complex issue requires the four-pager to be able to understand it. That's why for complex issues, I write an expose/whitepaper ahead of time and distribute it, and ask for comments. Some will not read it (that's their loss - they went to college right? So why do they now resist reading?). But many will read it, and I am interested most in their opinions - they are the deep thinkers.
Exchanges via email will reveal differences of opinion. Some can be cleared up via email. Some one-on-one meetings really help too, to talk things through deeply with some participants - deep discussion CANNOT happen in a group. (See this LinkedIn article:
The remaining sticking points need a meeting to hash out. So the one-pager becomes a summary of the outstanding parts of an issue that could not be resolved ahead of time.