First article on politics that I have read in a long time that makes sense.
Thumbs up on rank choice voting and coalition governments. Not perfect, but better than what we have. There is evidence that what we have is fundamentally unstable.
I would add that we need to reform corporate law, so that sociopathic corporations are no longer the central construct under which we do business.
And we need to stop electing lawyers to office. We need people who actually understand the issues that exist today. Nearly every single important issue has deep technological underpinnings. Lawyers have no training in science and technology and are clueless about these issues — they don’t even know what questions to ask.
And we need to get money out of politics. Difficult to imagine how, but remember that elections are about votes. Even if no money were spent, there could still be elections, with candidates and volunteers going door to door. Money had corrupted the system.
And we need to stop revolving doors — government officials who become lobbyists. That should be illegal. It fosters cozy relationships between the watchers and those being watched.
And split up monopolies and oligopolies. The press has consolidated too much. So have telcos, and certain tech companies have grown too large — so large that they now control us. That is not acceptable.
Finally, the problems with health care are not on the delivery side: the problems are on the R&D side. We should be discovering cures, but there is no money in cures. We need to roll back the ability to patent drugs, and adequately fund non-profit medical research. If we do, we will get more things like this. Drug companies will never cure us, nor will hospitals, which make money from every treatment visit.